The Boston bombings a year ago, where citizens could submit their own photos and videos, led to the creation of parallel websites where citizens themselves analyzed images and identified perpetrators. Not only did this jeopardize the investigation and arrest of possible perpetrators, it also led to the wrong perpetrators who needlessly had to fear for their safety. A witch hunt is easily unleashed via social media, which happened, for example, with the assault of a boy by a group of youngsters in Eindhoven.
Manhunt in Boston?
Manhunt in Boston?
, social media helped austria mobile phone number list mobilize a large group of tips and clues, but it also led to large-scale searches in the woods, during which important traces for the police were erased . The same happens during bird counts, with fanatic bird watchers disturbing the breeding nests. Well-intentioned help then turns into nuisance.
To each his own role
Amber AlertIt is therefore a major challenge for the government, for example, to maintain control. Tips and instructions such as via Opsporing Verzocht and Amber Alert , but preferably no active interference from citizens. That can be at odds with the emotions that are playing in the crowd, emotions of involvement, anger, fear, wanting to do something. Citizens are increasingly given the possibilities and resources to organize themselves and take coordinated action together, without having to worry about the authorities. That same energy then turns against you.
This brings governments and companies to a great dilemma: on the one hand they want to generate and use the energy and motivation of volunteers, but how do you maintain control and direction? If you do nothing, there is a risk that the crowd will take matters into its own hands. So: help from the crowd, yes please, but helping is not the same as taking over tasks or responsibilities from authorities.
I wrote this article partly in response to the radio interview I had on Wednesday March 12th at EenVandaag . Photo intro courtesy of Fotolia.