What’s important is that I focus on the next

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What’s important is that I focus on the next

Post by zihadhosenjm90 »

What’s important is that I focus on the next incremental step that’d get me closer to my goal of validating my idea. For now, that meant picking a niche to blog about, not worrying about how I was going to make money with the idea today.

So, first things first. That brought me to my top 3 options of hiking in California, afghanistan phone number database hacks (which I’m now exploring with a side project, VeganTable) or long distance running.

My favorite personal litmus test for choosing these was whether or not I could write a 1,000 word article about the topic and actually enjoy doing it. To me, that proved I was actually interested in the subject matter and have enough confidence in my knowledge to publicly share about it.

"If you can enjoy writing a 1,000 word article on a subject, you can build a business around it."
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If you don’t personally identify as a writer, consider Joel Saltzman’s thesis in If You Can Talk, You Can Write, where he teaches people how to become writers by starting them off writing only about the interests they find themselves talking about most—which is also the clearest indication as to what you could potentially build a business around.

After choosing these topic areas, I asked my readers to vote in the comments (below) and hiking in California emerged as the winner.

If you want more questions and guidance around uncovering profitable niche ideas, there’s an entire lesson & worksheet dedicated to this topic in my upcoming course, 30 Days to Validate. You can sign up to get updates and early access right here.

Want to find a profitable niche business idea this week? Join my free online course Find a Profitable Business Idea today.
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