The concept of productivity has been around for some time in various texts in the fields of management, administration and economics. Furthermore, “productivity” has become a worn-out word, widely used in the business context. In fact, talking about increasing productivity may even be a big cliché in the business world, but after all, does every entrepreneur/manager really know what it means to be more productive and how to make this happen in practice in their company?
It is no coincidence that the term productivity is always on the rise in business conversations. After all, for companies to survive in today's highly competitive market, it is essential that they plan their modernization and growth . In this sense, becoming more productive should be one of the goals pursued by micro and small businesses that want to improve their results. First, however, entrepreneurs need to understand the details of the difference between production and productivity and, in addition, know that technology can be a great ally in this challenge, such as using the Office 365 tool. Check it out.
Read also: Office 365: find out which plan is best for your business
Production x Productivity
Office 365 to optimize time and increase productivity
Cost reduction
Shared collaboration
Production x Productivity
Although production and productivity are interdependent cpa mailing lists concepts, that is, they go hand in hand, there are important differences between them that every company needs to know. While production can be considered a measure of results, that is, data on what was produced by the company in a given period of time, productivity is related not only to the quantity of what is delivered, but also to the quality.
Production information is necessary for planning what should be produced, but for there to be an effective increase in productivity, the question “what should be done?” must be shifted to “how should it be done?” and “how to do it better?”.
More specifically, productivity is the ability to do more using fewer resources and in less time. Many experts define it as the act of minimizing the use of material resources, labor, machinery and equipment in order to lower production costs, expand markets, increase the number of employees, etc.
office 365
To better understand the difference between increasing production and increasing productivity, just think of a small retail company that needs to increase its sales by 20%, for example. One way to increase production, that is, sell more, is to keep the store open for 2 more hours every day. Of course, the sales volume will be higher, but other variables must also be measured.
In this example, employees' working hours increased and the cost of electricity and other supplies also increased. If the company had planned for productivity, it would have sought other strategies to improve sales within the store's conventional working hours, delivering a better quality service to the customer.
In this sense, one of the most efficient ways to increase productivity and, consequently, production, in a company is to rely on technology. In other words, digital tools that can help manage the team's day-to-day work and optimize the time involved in each business action. For this, Office 365 is a complete tool, capable of modernizing and increasing the productivity of an SME.