Celebrate your achievements - add confetti to your CRM ads!

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Celebrate your achievements - add confetti to your CRM ads!

Post by ashammi238 »

This pandemic has taught us many things, one of which is to recognize ourselves and reward ourselves when we achieve a goal. And what valuable lesson have we learned during this challenging period?

Even the smallest achievements make a big difference in our lives!

Like an employee’s first winning deal, or a case your team Phone Number Database successfully closes, or an employee’s anniversary with your company, these modest achievements pave the way for greater ambitions and achievements.


Our goal at Vtiger is to integrate this philosophy into CRM. celebrate our set goals, tasks, etc. when they are completed .

Using our low-code platform VTAP, we have created a simple feature called Vtiger Confetti. Now you can add confetti whenever you need to make a celebratory announcement. Isn’t this a great way to recognize achievements and boost employee morale?

Adding event listeners to every specific combination of work execution would be a huge effort without the help of VTAP, and would also be a burden on the product. With VTAP, listening to the exact progress combination is a little easier, faster and more accurate.

The CelebrateSuccess page includes all the progress settings for the specific page (e.g. Deals, Cases, etc.) where the feature is enabled.


Adding confetti to a new module or page is also relatively easy. Just click the Add button on the CelebrateSuccess page.
Select the desired module or page where the feature should appear and add the progress combination.


For example, you can add confetti to the Cases module. The feature can be enabled for the Resolved status. This will result in a shower of confetti every time a case is closed.

Another example is the Deals module with the Closed, Won status. This will add a shower of confetti every time a deal is closed-won. Take a look at the image below!
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