"There you go, it's decided, I don't know how to do anything so I'm going to create a telemarketing company. Little investment, I have experience in communication, Sales must be the same, so let's go for it, besides some accommodating friends told me that they would not fail to call on me!"
Or else “How do I create jobs in my village? We’re going to create a telemarketing company to employ the unemployed, it doesn’t require much qualification!”
This is how Force Plus has seen, in almost 30 years, dozens of telemarketing companies that did not last long. Friends were absent, the results of the first actions disappointing, telemarketers difficult to find and not very motivated for a "job" and not a real profession, a honeyed and artificial communication style copied from the first manuals talking about telemarketing in the 70s!So to choose a telemarketing company, there are a few criteria to observe
Age of the Company: Force Plus is over 30 years old
Recruitment method: Force Plus recruits permanent contracts
Argumentation style: Force Plus adopts a style that is respectful of the interlocutor, always giving a positive image. phone number list
The prospecting tool: Force Plus has permanent live access to your results
FORCE PLUS, presents itself as the reference as a prospecting company for sales of technical products. We continue to develop the teleprospecting activity by now using commercial innovations such as offer tracking, file scoring or web reporting for campaign monitoring. Always with highly trained sales representatives.
Today, Force Plus also supports you in accelerating your sales with methods adapted to digital, lead generation, lead conversion, the implementation of CTAs on your websites, or by managing the customer experience using software specifically developed for BtoB.