Verify that the company is affiliated with the Confederation of Customs Agents Associations of the Mexican Republic (CAAAREM).
Ask about their trading partners or if they have experience bringing merchandise like the one you want to bring into the country.
Find out about their base of operations and whether it is located at a maritime customs office, airport or land border crossing.
Make sure that the company has a valid patent issued by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit in its name or with its own patent.
Make sure that your company is familiar with the technological solutions it has, whether in the purchasing area or in warehouses.
Tip : If, despite all this, the customs agent you hired did not provide you with the support you required, you can always change agents. The law allows working with different agents, either for shipments or periods of time. Approach the one that best suits your company.
Can I import whatsapp lead without a customs agent?
Yes, the SAT allows the importation of foreign products to Mexico without the need for a customs agent in the following cases:
When the value of the merchandise is less than 3,000 US dollars or its equivalent in other currencies.
When it comes to goods donated to the Federal Treasury.
In case of being a transmigrant with only one vehicle.
When the goods enter by mail using the customs invoice.
When it comes to the temporary entry of trailers, imported vehicles or motor homes.
Foreign products in Mexico: how to import them to our country?
Register in the order given to your customs agent.
In addition to providing your customs agent with a written statement containing the elements that allow determining the customs value of the goods, you must register the data of your customs agent in the Importers Registry, making him/her part of the conferred order.