Of the 11 mobile applications analyzed, only Mi Lowi (32), Mi Simyo (24) and Mi Vodafone (0.7) achieve a positive recommendation index.
Customers strongly penalize apps with poor usability, utility, service and design. They also reward those that work on these four key aspects of user experience.
On May 16, the specialized consulting firm Brain Trust CS presented the Comparative Study on mobile APPs in the telecommunications sector, based on the evaluations made by 6,586 Android users (92% of the market) in 2017 (between January 1 and April 30). Almost all mobile operators fail in the evaluation of their APPs by their customers.
In the presentation of the conclusions of the Study , the poor rating obtained by the majority of operators was highlighted, among which only 3 of the 11 that have had more than 100 ratings in the first four months of 2017 have obtained a positive recommendation index.
The 3 that stood out according to customer ratings were Mi Lowi with a value of +32, Mi Simyo with a +24 and, a long way behind but still positive, Mi Vodafone with a +0.7.
On the negative side of the ratings we have the applications of the operators with a network Mi Yoigo (-36), Mi Orange (-48) and Mi Movistar (-49), ending the list with the extreme negative values obtained by Mi Jazztel (-69), Mi ONO fiber (-76) and MasMovil (-87).
In order to understand the reasons for low customer ratings, Brain Trust CS brazil phone number also analyses in the Study the comments left by users after they have rated the APPs. According to this analysis, customers strongly penalise in their rating the APPs with worse usability, utility, service and design. In the same way, they reward those that work on these four key aspects of the user experience.
Nowadays, users are increasingly demanding of the mobile applications offered to them as customers, and they strongly punish with their comments and ratings all those that are not designed from the beginning with a focus on making their lives easier.
For almost 15 years, Brain Trust CS has been working to help telecommunications operators improve the experience they deliver to their customers through their stores, contact centers and digital contact points (App and Web). With more than 50 projects developed in this field and thanks to a powerful multidisciplinary team, Braintrust is today a reference for all those determined to improve their customers' experiences with them.