Find a site relevant to your niche

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Find a site relevant to your niche

Post by sharminakter »

Example of a guest blog on the Semrush blog
If you have a personal finance site that specializes in credit cards, you can partner with a personal finance site that specializes in retirement savings.

But a company that sells cars probably shouldn't spend the time and resources to write a guest post for a company that sells clothing.

This can be perceived as spam and arouse distrust.

Here are some best practices to follow:

Make sure articles are on a single topic.
Include case studies and original data
And what to avoid :

Don't send the same blog post to multiple sites
Don't stuff the article with links to your site
Don't accept any guest post proposal just to get backlinks.
Also, keep in mind that Google has been recommending using nofollow links in guest posts for years. This clearly indicates that it is not a paid link.

Therefore, if you write an article with the sole israel phone data purpose of spamming links to your site, this tactic will likely backfire.

Instead, focus on creating high-quality content for your industry. If people use the finished product as a resource and share it on social channels, you can get great exposure for your brand.

Read our guide to guest blogging for more information on best practices.

Guest Blogging: Three Dos and Three Don’ts
Publish Research and Present it to the Press
This step is similar to the previous one. But you will go further and present your content to the press.

This is called digital public relations.
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