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Podcast Interview Rayko Lorenzo / Daniel Robles – #SilviaTeOrienta – Radio Guadalquivir

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:33 am
by jrine
A few days ago I had the pleasure of participating in the Radio Guadalquivir program “Silvia te orienta” . A fresh, agile and friendly radio format, in which Silvia Saucedo and her great team bring the listener closer to topics related to Career Guidance, Training, Employment, as well as transversal skills and everything related to 2.0 in HR, Technologies, Social Networks, Personal Brand and Coaching.

I talked about the #MarketerosNocturnos phenomenon on Twitter, about Marketing , Tips for Entrepreneurs and also, I had the opportunity to review my book “Don't be the best... fight to be different” .

Daniel Robles , spoke about the upcoming VIII International Congress of Night Marketers that will take place in Murcia on April 28. He gave a presentation of some of the speakers we will have, and we were also lucky enough to have a live call from María José Bayo , who will be one of the star speakers at the Murcian event.

My intervention goes from minute 28:30 to 57:26 , although I encourage you to listen to the entire program.

It was a real pleasure, as I was list of telegram users in italy saying, to be able to participate in the program, in which we also raffled off a copy of the book that was sent to Madrid.
We must try to make better use of our imagination… Treat it better, see it as a close friend… Everything you see now has been imagined before in some way. Create new scenarios, get out of that famous and cursed “comfort zone” , think of alternatives that do not have a very logical thought.

In a sensational article by the Professor of Philosophy, Mr. Lluis Pifarré , I read what JJ Servan-Schereiber wrote in 1980 in “The World Challenge” . He commented on the phenomenon that had been the economic explosion of Japan in the sixties. He pointed out that one of the causes of this brutal development in a country with scarce raw materials was that the majority of the large Japanese companies came from a generation that had been raised by their grandparents. JJ Servan argued that all these grandparents had the habit of telling them stories, which is an irreplaceable factor in stimulating the imagination and creativity of young people.