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The best ideas and solutions can come to

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:20 am
by RAkib1@#
that the most thorough analysis is not the path to creativity and no matter how hard we try, persistent intellectual effort will not lead to an innovative solution.
mind at the least expected moment – ​​most often precisely when our conscious mind is… resting!

To use the creative power malawi email list 100000 contact leads
f intuition, you need a break from mental work – a few or a dozen minutes of seemingly doing nothing is enough for the subconscious to start working and “spit out” unexpected results.

But be careful: remember to work with the standard method first – without the database from your conscious mind, even your subconscious won’t come up with brilliant ideas!

Read also: How to find solutions with the help of your subconscious?

5. Dancing helps you think strategically (and keeps your mind sharp!)

Do you like crazy dancing around the room and your feet move on their own to new songs by Sanah or Nosowska?

Take a few minutes at work to freestyle to your favorite music, and you'll increase your intelligence and decision-making skills.

How is that possible? Dancing, like any physical activity, improves blood flow, oxygenating the gray cells. But that's not all!

A study conducted by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York on the impact of various activities on maintaining mental sharpness proved that the benefits of dancing go far beyond the benefits of other activities!

The study lasted 21 years and monitored dementia rates in older people, including Alzheimer's patients. It found that intellectual activities are overrated – they have little to medium impact on preserving cognitive abilities. For example, reading books reduces the risk of dementia by 35%, and regularly solving crossword puzzles by 47%.