GIFs for Instagram are highly interactive and valuable for brands. Used in the network's Stories feature, they can be used to increase engagement with the public. In addition, of course, to increase the reach of your company among followers.
A great advantage of GIFs for Instagram is that you can create your own and make them available for other people to use.
So, how about unleashing your creativity to add this front to your Marketing strategy?
How to Create GIFs on Instagram Stories
Step 1
First, you'll need to create a GIPHY for Brands and Artists account . Then, you'll need to apply for a verified account, which usually takes up to 5 business days.
It is only with this verified account that you will be able to create GIFs for Instagram and Facebook. So don't skip this step!
Step 2
When creating your account, pay attention to argentina mobile number how you fill out the form so that nothing goes wrong. Here are some tips:
Username: enter the name of your business, without special characters or numbers.
Display Name: This is the name that will be displayed when people visit your page. Think carefully, because if it needs to be changed, you will have to contact the platform and request approval.
Email Address: must be a corporate email, such as adriana.
Website: This field will be used by GIPHY to verify that the company actually exists. Therefore, social media profiles are not valid.
Social links: include the link to your best social network (the one with the most traffic or followers). If you have a verified account, use it! This will count a lot for GIPHY to verify you too.
Step 3
Then, ideally you should upload about 3 GIFs to Instagram when you create your account.
Upload as Public and with G ratting , which is an age rating that tells GIPHY that your content is viewable by all ages.
Step 4
Now, just wait for your profile to be approved. This notification will be sent to you via email.
Tips for creating GIFs for Instagram
Now that you have a GIPHY account, you can start creating! To do so, limit your GIFs for Instagram to a maximum of 6 seconds in length and 8 MB in size , as well as 480p in resolution.
The great thing about GIFs is their movement . Therefore, static art is not approved.
Finally, think of common, funny or unusual situations that have to do with your brand and audience. This way, you increase the chances of your GIFs being used more on Instagram Stories!