Solidarity: The algorithm of infinite viralization
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:16 am
In a time full of uncertainties, there is one certainty that prevails over the rest: solidarity is a unifying element of our society.
We are living through turbulent years, where we are faced with elements that make our reality different from what we expected. The Covid pandemic, the outbreak of a war, the energy crisis, inflation and ominous news that make our desire for improvement worsen. We are in for a party, come on!
Digital marketing is also turbulent. Unrealistic expectations. Constant changes to optimize SEO. Continuous updates. Changing algorithms. Strategies that become irrelevant overnight. Fewer stories, more reels. Three hashtags, five hashtags. No hashtag? Yes, that tag with the # in front.
It's all crazy!
Inflation Energy crisis
And the madness turns into histrionics when architects mailing lists your future favorite client comes and says: “I want my post to go viral.” OMG! (That is, Holy crap! in Spanish) If you are honest, you will tell that future favorite client that the magic formula for making a post go viral does not exist, unless it is a very, very relevant content or you spend a lot of money to become friends with the “influencer” of the moment.
But digital marketing or the world of the internet is wonderful. It leaves room among so much madness for something to go viral easily and simply. Only with a magic formula called Solidarity.
The case of Asador Pollos Real
“If you need it, take it.” With these magical words, the Asador de Pollos Real in Huércal (Almería) has managed to make its message go viral across all social networks, creating a social phenomenon picked up by many media outlets.
Its campaign is simple: its business – a chicken roaster – makes available to people in need a number of dishes to be consumed by people or families in need of help. An initiative that was announced, through a video, by the owner of the roaster on his TikTok account and that has managed to go viral by sharing it on Facebook.
Apparently there is no designed strategy, no ad hoc image created, not even the audio of that video that lit the fuse was taken care of . There is only the solidarity of a small business published on social media.
The impact has been “in crescendo” since that first publication on September 13 until the date of publication of this article. If we stick to Facebook, the first publication achieved 271 reactions and was shared 130 times.
The next day, the publication on the same topic achieved 246 reactions, but was shared 437 times. It was already beginning to go viral. And its consolidation came two days after the first publication with a post that has so far achieved 116 thousand reactions and 24 thousand shares.
After this last publication, the phenomenon began to be a media phenomenon, appearing in numerous media outlets, press, television, interviews, news programs, etc., etc.
If we had to quantify the value of a campaign of such magnitude, we would have to add a lot of zeros to the matter. This one didn't need it. And it achieved what many companies are looking for: Notoriety, reach, viralization, impact. All thanks to a contagious algorithm called Solidarity. So contagious that thanks to the campaign it has managed to get many people to join the initiative to make donations and increase the number of dishes.
We are living through turbulent years, where we are faced with elements that make our reality different from what we expected. The Covid pandemic, the outbreak of a war, the energy crisis, inflation and ominous news that make our desire for improvement worsen. We are in for a party, come on!
Digital marketing is also turbulent. Unrealistic expectations. Constant changes to optimize SEO. Continuous updates. Changing algorithms. Strategies that become irrelevant overnight. Fewer stories, more reels. Three hashtags, five hashtags. No hashtag? Yes, that tag with the # in front.
It's all crazy!
Inflation Energy crisis
And the madness turns into histrionics when architects mailing lists your future favorite client comes and says: “I want my post to go viral.” OMG! (That is, Holy crap! in Spanish) If you are honest, you will tell that future favorite client that the magic formula for making a post go viral does not exist, unless it is a very, very relevant content or you spend a lot of money to become friends with the “influencer” of the moment.
But digital marketing or the world of the internet is wonderful. It leaves room among so much madness for something to go viral easily and simply. Only with a magic formula called Solidarity.
The case of Asador Pollos Real
“If you need it, take it.” With these magical words, the Asador de Pollos Real in Huércal (Almería) has managed to make its message go viral across all social networks, creating a social phenomenon picked up by many media outlets.
Its campaign is simple: its business – a chicken roaster – makes available to people in need a number of dishes to be consumed by people or families in need of help. An initiative that was announced, through a video, by the owner of the roaster on his TikTok account and that has managed to go viral by sharing it on Facebook.
Apparently there is no designed strategy, no ad hoc image created, not even the audio of that video that lit the fuse was taken care of . There is only the solidarity of a small business published on social media.
The impact has been “in crescendo” since that first publication on September 13 until the date of publication of this article. If we stick to Facebook, the first publication achieved 271 reactions and was shared 130 times.
The next day, the publication on the same topic achieved 246 reactions, but was shared 437 times. It was already beginning to go viral. And its consolidation came two days after the first publication with a post that has so far achieved 116 thousand reactions and 24 thousand shares.
After this last publication, the phenomenon began to be a media phenomenon, appearing in numerous media outlets, press, television, interviews, news programs, etc., etc.
If we had to quantify the value of a campaign of such magnitude, we would have to add a lot of zeros to the matter. This one didn't need it. And it achieved what many companies are looking for: Notoriety, reach, viralization, impact. All thanks to a contagious algorithm called Solidarity. So contagious that thanks to the campaign it has managed to get many people to join the initiative to make donations and increase the number of dishes.