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1.- Contribute something to your Buyer Persona

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:50 am
by Md5656se
This is the main idea you should focus on: quality content should offer something to your Buyer Persona.

Is your neighbor next door your Buyer Persona?

And your cousin from Burgos?

And the former coworker?

And your partner?

If the answer to the above questions is no, take them all out of the equation and forget about them.

Think only about those people who unequivocally represent the Buyer Persona profile you created at the time.

You generate your content for them, and they are the ones who will – pres philippines cellphone number umably – help you pay your bills.

Well, when you create your content, keep in mind the idea that no matter what, it must provide some value to that Buyer Persona and your potential client.

Think about how you come to consume that content, in what state, knowing what things, and then think about the transformation you will undergo when you consume it.

If that transformation is not going to happen, change your mind and think about something else because you will be getting dangerously close to the "creating for the sake of creating" that I mentioned at the beginning.

2.- Align the content with your business objectives
Let's see if by thinking so much about the content consumer we are going to forget about the side effect.

Secondary, because the main effect is that transformation of the receiver, who could then, why not, become our client.

And that effect, however secondary it may be, is what makes the difference .

This is why we spend hours preparing our content.


If we do not have a short, medium or long term return , no matter how much our Buyer Persona likes our content, it will not be of quality.

Let us not forget: on the Internet nobody gives anything away .

When you see something “free,” which there is, it is because they are pursuing a seemingly hidden but existing objective: your lead, your phone number, your mere perception of that brand or your visit to a landing page to then be remarketed to you.