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When the right metrics are not

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:27 am
by hasanhossain
used to monitor and understand how a strategy is progressing, it leads to errors in implementation. Without understanding progress, it is difficult to identify successes and failures.

13. Ignoring the need for patience in implementation
Those heavily invested in strategy execution tend to want to see result usa number list s. When results are expected too quickly and do not materialize as planned, it is often the case that people will abandon the execution or make knee-jerk adjustments.

14. Expecting automatic involvement and commitment by all stakeholders
Even when a strategy is well-communicated, understood, and aligned across an organization, some stakeholders might be resistant to the idea behind the strategy or simply resistant to change.

15. Ignoring the knock-on effect of strategies
When organizations implement major strategies, they tend to forget that these strategies might affect normal procedures in the organization. It is often the case that managers and employees get caught up in coping with the changes and ignore the ongoing implementation.


In addition, Candido and Santos (2019) found that it is often the case that barriers to strategy implementation are related. Their work has found that “the evidence gathered from the case study, strongly suggests that the occurrence of an obstacle will probably generate another related impediment, which in turn may generate another and another, leading to a ‘coherent’ chain of obstacles, acting together and reinforcing each other” .