The renewed brand ambition
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:55 am
It's just emotions taking me over
Many – but not all – unconscious system 1 choices are driven by emotion. Although in this toothpaste example you don’t have a very strong emotional reaction to the toothpaste, the brand that you automatically pick from the shelf does give you a feeling of recognition, trust and certainty. A feeling that makes it easy to choose the same option again.
The majority of brand associations can be found in system 1 and approximately three quarters of brand associations are emotional. The latter applies to all brands! Also to brands where you would not immediately expect an emotional association. Think of financial institutions or telecom providers. This means that when inventorying brand associations you also have to use the right techniques to bring those unconscious and emotional associations to the surface.
2. Existing data
As I just mentioned, it is not only important to consult consumers, especially in repositioning processes. Many organizations have already collected a lot of information about their brand associations over the years. Because established brands have a fairly solid brand image, it makes sense to include this existing data in the inventory.
Because you are also looking for tools to achieve the goal, the new positioning, you also want to include associations that are related to the renewed brand ambition.
After all, you don't limit yourself to a map of the Benelux when you're on your way to Spain.
These three ingredients lead to an us phone number list ultimate set of brand associations, where it is important to validate them. This way you can find out which associations form the core of your brand in the collective consumer brain, which are loosely linked to the brand and which associations are directly or indirectly connected to each other.

A roadmap to change
This validation forms the starting point for optimising the brand image: the brand association network. By comparing the current network with the direction the brand wants to take, this network can be used to assess whether there are associations that are part of the repositioning that:
are not currently connected to the association network. In that case, a lot of time and (marketing communication) resources will have to be invested to initially make a connection.
have a weak connection to the association network. For example, if they are on the very outside of your brand association network. Then the existing connections with other (stronger) associations can be used to strengthen the connection.
part of the core of the network. Then this is an ideal starting point and one can focus on, among other things, perpetuating this connection.
Many – but not all – unconscious system 1 choices are driven by emotion. Although in this toothpaste example you don’t have a very strong emotional reaction to the toothpaste, the brand that you automatically pick from the shelf does give you a feeling of recognition, trust and certainty. A feeling that makes it easy to choose the same option again.
The majority of brand associations can be found in system 1 and approximately three quarters of brand associations are emotional. The latter applies to all brands! Also to brands where you would not immediately expect an emotional association. Think of financial institutions or telecom providers. This means that when inventorying brand associations you also have to use the right techniques to bring those unconscious and emotional associations to the surface.
2. Existing data
As I just mentioned, it is not only important to consult consumers, especially in repositioning processes. Many organizations have already collected a lot of information about their brand associations over the years. Because established brands have a fairly solid brand image, it makes sense to include this existing data in the inventory.
Because you are also looking for tools to achieve the goal, the new positioning, you also want to include associations that are related to the renewed brand ambition.
After all, you don't limit yourself to a map of the Benelux when you're on your way to Spain.
These three ingredients lead to an us phone number list ultimate set of brand associations, where it is important to validate them. This way you can find out which associations form the core of your brand in the collective consumer brain, which are loosely linked to the brand and which associations are directly or indirectly connected to each other.

A roadmap to change
This validation forms the starting point for optimising the brand image: the brand association network. By comparing the current network with the direction the brand wants to take, this network can be used to assess whether there are associations that are part of the repositioning that:
are not currently connected to the association network. In that case, a lot of time and (marketing communication) resources will have to be invested to initially make a connection.
have a weak connection to the association network. For example, if they are on the very outside of your brand association network. Then the existing connections with other (stronger) associations can be used to strengthen the connection.
part of the core of the network. Then this is an ideal starting point and one can focus on, among other things, perpetuating this connection.