Points to note when integrating data

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Points to note when integrating data

Post by ishanijerin1 »

The data that can be obtained from each system is meaningless if it is in a separate state. By linking it to the original ID, you can finally see the "individual customer."

However, many companies struggle with this line database data integration, and in some cases it can take a considerable amount of time.

Let's take a look at some of the common stumbling points companies face when it comes to data integration.

Legacy Systems
Some companies use legacy systems* and need to integrate the data within them.

At first glance this may not seem like a problem, but aligning the data granularity with the new system, supplementing missing data, and deleting unnecessary data can turn out to be surprisingly difficult.

*Legacy system: In general, it means an outdated system. In the information system, it mainly refers to a computer system built on an old technology platform at a stage when alternative technologies brought about by technological innovation have become widespread.

External Data
Another time-consuming aspect is ensuring that the granularity of the data you are getting from external sources is consistent.

Also, depending on the terms of the contract with the external vendor, you may not be able to use the data as expected, so you should check.

Continuing our efforts
Even after data integration is complete and operational, new data will need to be added and further optimization will be required, so data integration efforts need to continue.

If you have the time and patience, it is possible to integrate data manually, but we recommend using some kind of service or system if possible.

▼Data integration services

3. Using data to create strategies: Introducing recommended customer segments
Once data integration is complete, it's time to group the data to create tailored measures for each individual customer.

Here we will introduce the segments that are frequently used by companies that actually have stores using our app marketing tool, FANSHIP.
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