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Post by chameli »

The effectiveness of prospecting is not limited to the good management of incoming prospects. It is increasingly essential to go and find the future customer . Indeed, even among the companies receiving the most incoming prospects, it turns out that these ultimately represent only one prospect per day and per salesperson.On average, non-prospecting salespeople make 12.7 phone calls per day. Those who are specialized make 18 successful calls for a salesperson 100% dedicated to prospecting. As a result, a team made up of dedicated salespeople will contact 42% more prospects than a non-specialized team.

Among all the companies surveyed, the overall conversion rate is on average 1.1% . In other words, out of 100 prospects contacted we have

17 result in a real telephone exchange. phone number list

2.7 turns into appointments,
1.1 project is taking shape following these discussions.The sources of prospecting are multiple and are as follows:

First comes recommendations (word of mouth),
professional social networks ( LinkedIn, Viadeo),
databases ,​
sales intelligence tools (allowing you to target prospects with a project linked to the solutions offered by the company),
marketing automation tools that target prospects interested in the company.
However, not all of these sources are equally effective. Thus, this graph shows that recommendations more easily result in a conversation (for 44% of calls) or an appointment (8.3% of calls), while using a database requires making a lot of calls for a low appointment result (1.2%). Sales and marketing automation tools are doing well since, just behind recommendations, they respectively allow 7.7% and 5.4% of calls to be converted into appointments.
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