Intuition is formed over the years and requires a huge amount of practice, trial and error. To build up sufficient "sightedness" and experience, it usually takes about six years of active work.
During this time, you need to hold hundreds of meetings and negotiations, consider dozens of projects in different industries, invest small amounts in companies with different risk profiles. This will allow you to feel the patterns of business firsthand, learn to distinguish between types of people and their motives, and read non-verbal signals.
It is important to consciously analyze your successes and failures, discuss deals with more experienced colleagues, attend industry events and learn from the experience of other investors and entrepreneurs. The more cases you study, the more accurate your intuition will be.
At the beginning of the path, healthy fear and the malaysia whatsapp phone number desire not to make a mistake help develop intuition. This impulse makes you evaluate risks more carefully, ask more questions, and delve deeper into the specifics of the business. Over time, the fear of making a mistake gives way to confidence and the ability to trust your intuition.
It's like in sports or any other activity that requires practical skills. In the first years, you're afraid of getting injured or doing something wrong. But gradually the body gets used to the load, the movements become more precise, and the fear recedes. So don't be afraid to take risks and try, without this you won't develop intuition.
An analogy would be that the first six years in business or investing are like the first six years of a child's life. During this period, rapid development occurs, and basic skills and experience are accumulated that will become the foundation for further growth.
If a child has lived this time fully, then he is ready for school and education. So a beginning investor should give himself these six years to develop intuition and competencies.
Principles of developing business intuition
There are several basic principles that will help you develop your entrepreneurial instinct:
How long does it take to develop intuition?
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