Often they find themselves in the initial phase of the purchasing process: they have needs but they are not well defined, perhaps they don't even know if there are products or services capable of satisfying them. Maybe he's thinking of going to Turin or simply taking a holiday as a couple, but he's not sure . He could therefore search for "what to see in Turin" or "ideas for a couple's holiday".
Or maybe he would like a nicer living room, so he could latvia number data search for “how to decorate a living room with green floors”. However, post-purchase keywords can also be included in this group . For example, if I purchased a sofa, I might look for information on how to clean it. Around these keywords we can write our blog articles, organize the tag pages and category pages or, alternatively, make guides, such as my guides on web marketing .
The blog is an open tool, to always be updated, while the guides (understood as pages) are perfect if we have little time to write or if we want to prepare fundamental content to give more emphasis. that concerns our business: how to choose tennis shoes if we sell tennis shoes, the facilities for civil weddings in Turin if we are wedding planners in Turin.