B2B sales generate way higher revenue per customer. Selling a service to a company with 240 staff can generate more money than 1000 B2C customers or more (depending on the niche). Whole businesses will always make more significant purchases than a single customer. It’s easy to see why a B2B marketer will spend a lot of their time and money on a single customer than the B2C marketer would.
Email Marketing
Research shows that 205 billion emails are sent list of greece cell phone numbers each day, and 80% of its users check their mail. That’s a lot of prospective clients. Most businesses use emails as an effective communication tool, and as a B2B marketer, it should be yours too. Sending emails with the right tone and message is essential. Take care not to send excessive emails. It’s best if you send quality emails and do it once in a while, so that leads look forward to it. You can generate leads from email marketing either through content-based audience-building strategies or by using email outreach.
Social Media
Using social media is always an excellent strategy. But, for a B2B marketer, you have to be quite selective of the ones you use. Other marketers will recommend LinkedIn, and so will we. LinkedIn is a platform that every marketer should be aware of. It is the holy grail of social media marketing for B2B. You can build your profile and share content emphasizing your services. There are other platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.