For this reason, your message must immediately stand out.
By now you read it everywhere, in forums, on social media and you even hear it on YouTube: the blog is dead. But are we really sure? Or rather, are we sure that well-done blog marketing , the one with an SEO perspective, is also dying ? In this article we want to explain why this is a big fake news, also giving you some excellent ideas czech republic reverse phone lookup for integrating the blog into your content strategy .
Want a spoiler? It all revolves around the multi-channel strategy that we hear more and more about, but we'll reveal everything in a few paragraphs!
digital marketing strategy
As we forewarned you in the introduction, no, blog marketing is not dead, absolutely not. To be honest, a part of what was defined that way is, namely that of the thin content and on which obsolete SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing were used . The latter, in fact, consisted in the massive repetition of the chosen keyword not only within the visible text, but also in the page code and in the images. The text of the article, therefore, turned out to be not very fluent and not user-centric, that is, aimed at satisfying the user's requests.
The secret to a blog that works is not only in SEO , but also in writing truly valuable articles that answer the public's questions and their search intent.