This is a methodology used to understand customers by analyzing consumption and studying purchasing behavior. This process provides valuable input for developing commercial strategies.
In order for a company to develop marketing strategies that are truly effective, it needs to study the behavior of the consumer it wants to reach. To do so, it must know the psychological, social, cultural and even personal factors that influence people when they decide to purchase a product or service. In this sense, there are models that have been created to do this job efficiently.
Marketing and consumer behavior are thus closely linked when it comes to market research. It is also essential to know the factors that influence consumer behavior, which can provide various insights into how a brand is perceived and even the degree of loyalty that exists, after consumer analysis.
Consumer Behavior Models: Definition and Types
These are methodologies used to determine consumer behavior, identifying various variables, as well as the specific characteristics that are related to each other . With a consumer behavior model, the elements that influence the purchasing decision process can be identified, as well as the way in which people operate in these cases.
In the book Consumer Behavior. Strategies and Policies Applied to Marketing (2009), business experts Jaime Rivera Camino , Rolando Arellano Cueva and Víctor Manuel Molero Ayala , comment that each consumer behavior model seeks to provide a global image of buyer behavior. In addition, they serve to provide ideas for the development of marketing plans, based on reliable data.
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In general terms, Rivera Camino and his colleagues explain that consumer behavior methodologies are classified into two major types, global models and partial models, as detailed below:
Global models
They seek to explain the phases of the purchase decision process, as well as the variables involved and relevant to explaining why a purchase occurs. Three significant examples of this type of model are that of Francesco Nicosia, that of John Howard and Jagdish Sheth, and that of James Engel, David Kollat and Roger Blackwell.
Nicosia Model (1966). It focuses on product evaluation, representing an information cycle between the company and the consumer, exerting influence between them. It consists of the consumer's attitude towards the message, the search and evaluation that the individual makes about the product that interests him, the act of purchase itself and the feedback that is generated.
Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model (1968). Describes and studies the process followed by the consumer and with which he makes purchasing decisions, considering perception, learning and motivation. This model considers the different facts, aspects and internal and external influences that form part of the path followed by people to be able to buy effectively.
Howard-Sheth model (1969). It seeks to analyze the purchasing behavior that the consumer manifests, from the moment he or she chooses a brand. Therefore, it focuses on confirming that the purchasing behavior must be rational, considering the information limitations that the consumer has, and studies the choice of the brand as a systematic process, which is activated by an individual element.
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Partial models
In this case, they are methodologies that seek to analyze only some phases of the purchasing decision process, with the aim of having specific analyses of certain elements. Two relevant examples of this type of model are that of James Bettman and that of Martin Fishbein.
Fishbein Model (1963). It is known as a multiple attribute methodology, which takes into account that consumers form their opinions according to the perceptions and knowledge they have about the characteristics of the products or services they intend to purchase. In this way, certain attitudes are developed that are associated with what they want to buy.
Bettman Model (1979). This is a methodology that cpa email addresses qualitatively studies how consumers process the information they receive. This model, with a high expository and illustrative level, analyses people's processing capacity, where motivation, attention, acquisition and evaluation of information participate, which allows them to make decisions, consume and learn.
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Conducting an in-depth analysis of the behavior that people display when seeking to purchase a good allows us to determine the various factors that influence consumer behavior, using any of the models that exist for this purpose. This allows us to better understand the consumer market and purchasing behavior, which is essential for developing strategies to influence consumer behavior.
Enter the world of marketing with SNHU
In order to teach you how to create comprehensive strategies to maximize internal and external opportunities in marketing practices, Southern New Hampshire University has several programs that you can study online. One of these degrees is the Bachelor of Science in Marketing , which gives you knowledge about market research, strategic planning, product, price, promotion, point of sale, communication, and advertising.
Furthermore, based on a flexible learning model, the curriculum of this 100% online and Spanish-language degree trains you to distribute relevant information through various channels in order to negotiate and persuade internal and external stakeholders. Upon completion, you will receive a degree with certification in the United States.